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State of The Art Resource Services, Inc
STAR Services
Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior?


DTI was developed by Carolyn Murray-Slutsky and Betty Paris and encompasses focused, outcome driven treatment strategies aimed at helping children quickly maximize their skill levels.
Their holistic approach integrates treatment strategies that are traditionally used in isolation such as; sensory integration, behavioral strategies, neuro-developmental treatment, cognitive strategies, functional therapy, communication and more.
STAR Services
4041 N. 41 Street
Hollywood, FL 33021
STARServicesINC@aol.com USA
(954) 224 -9050
STAR Services, (State of The Art Resource Services Inc.), is a company dedicated to providing high quality educational and consultative services. We specialize in a holistic, focused, outcome driven approach called Dynamic Therapeutic Intervention (DTI). We provide workshops, educational materials, and consultative services to therapists, professionals and parents to improve functional and educational performance of children. Our goal is to help children and their families thrive.

MedBridge and STAR Services are proud to announce the launch of our online course “Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior”, a four-part series. Use the promo code STARservices and receive a 40% discount off the annual subscription, allowing access to all MedBridge courses, including “Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior”.
Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior? Part 1: Overview
presented by Carolyn Murray-Slutsky & Betty Paris
Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior? Part 2: Sensory-Based Behaviors
Part 2 provides an overview of the sensory systems and their neurological underpinnings and identifies the common behaviors seen within each. Using the Intervention for Challenging Behavior form, participants will learn to identify sensory-based behaviors, define sensory obtaining versus avoiding behaviors, and further identify if an intervention plan is needed. A case study will be used to clearly identify sensory-based behaviors. This course will look deeper into sensory processing disorder (SPD) taxonomy and research related to SPD, both in the general population and in those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Specific behavioral characteristics will be reviewed for modulation disorders and interventions introduced.
Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior? Part 3: Communication-Based Behaviors
Communication challenges are a leading cause for behavioral difficulties. This course, Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior? Part 3: Social/Communication-Based Behaviors, provides an overview of the common behaviors associated with social/communication-based problems. Using the Interventions for Challenging Behavior (ICB) form, we will review obtaining and avoiding social/communication behaviors and begin to identify intervention strategies and considerations for each. Video case studies will be used for analyzing.

School System Trainings - See all presented - click here
Florida Department of Education:
Nova Southeastern University School; Parents Conference on Autism
Easter Seals- DuPage
Tazwell-Mason County Special Education Assoc.
Ohio School Districts:
Canton, Ohio- Lincoln Way- Special Education Regional Resource Center
California School Districts-Orange County School District, 2006.
Massachusetts Schools- Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Mental Retardation
Kentucky Public Schools: Fayette County Public Schools
Arkansas: Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
New York:
Washington State: Renton School District
United Cerebral Palsy, Tampa, FL
Central Agency for Jewish Education, Miami, FL
Kansas School System:- Seventh Annual School Based therapy Conference
North Dakota – Anne Carlsen Center for Children
Canada: Toronto District School Board